In between rainy day-trip adventures around Bonnie Fife, I have been mostly festivalling. And not the cultured, cannae-decide-wot-to-go-to kind that descends on Edinburgh every August – oh no, the muddy musical, dubious and decent bands kind. Ahhh, nowt like sleeping on the hard ground in a pink tent for 3 hours 3 nights straight to remind you you’re alive! Highlights include Kim Wilde looking out dirty old windows, getting paranoid with Radiohead and bouncing like loons with our mini Steppers to I Predict a Riot. Back in the real world, we’ve explored the siege mine at St Andrews, checked out some really ugly looking fish, and found copious numbers of stranded blue jellyfish. What strange and compelling creatures… nature is truly wonderful.
And as the country gets ready for Back To School, it’s a new dawn for our smallest Stepper, who starts P1! *sniff* #wheredoesthetimego