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CSY Architects

the challenge

CSY Architects is an award-winning practice with 3 branches across Edinburgh, the Scottish Borders and Northumberland. 

Originally known as Camerons, the business had merged with with Douglas Strachan Associates and Gavin Yuill Associates.

Merging three businesses together is never straightforward – both for the people involved and clients who are used to working with one or other.

The team were keen to solidify the new name and create brand awareness, while paying respect to the original Camerons – a business that had been on the go for 60 years.

How could that be done?

the project

Client and team feedback provided the nuggets of what makes CSY special. Combined with defining their key target audiences, this was the info we needed to discover the essence of this long-standing practice.

It was settled that CSY Architects are genuinely all about ‘people & places’. So we set about creating a brand identity, toolkit and a tone of voice that reflects this.

Architects combine creativity with logic and we love the drawings they create to convey their ideas. Pen line drawings inspired the patterns created for CSY and the outlines of their core icons to represent ‘people’ and ‘places’.

Teal from the original Camerons logo is a wee nod to the company’s heritage. Alongside an authoritative deep navy grey and a muted friendly stone shade, the teal is a complementary highlight.

Many architects’ sites show fabulous photos of their spaces – with no-one actually using them! We commissioned new photography of key client projects – with people featured in the spaces.


MarketStreet / Brand / Web / Content

rebrand of shortridge on posters

and now?

Now the CSY Architects name is further embedded across all three branches, and the team have a brand kit their proud to use and call their own. 

There’s a stash of great images they’re using on social and a tone of voice they can leverage to attract the right kind of clients, strengthening the practice. 

Just what we love to hear!

Visit CSY Architects

rebrand of shortridge on posters

take the next step

Let’s discuss YOUR project and see which bundle suits you best.



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