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Our rebranding process

Say goodbye to confused, dated and inconsistently applied branding. No longer will your goals be held back by unclear messaging and random looking brand assets.

Discover your power move

There’s no point in pushing on, updating the website, creating sales materials and social media content to try and help the sales team.

If you haven’t taken the time to deep dive into your organisation’s brand strategy and work out what makes it uniquely good at what it does, it’ll be money down the drain. 

Using our proven MarketStreet rebranding process, we’ll help you discover your power move – the unique thing that makes your business stand out from the competition.

Our MarketStreet Process

Let us take you on a journey down MarketStreet. Discover what makes your organisation special, who your ideal clients are and how to engage them with your unique story. Then you’ll be ready to reinvigorate that identity and project your rekindled confidence out into the world.

3-step rebranding process

Make the leap with MarketStreet, our 3-step rebranding process

What’s involved?

Early on we’ll conduct qualitative interviews with your audience, to get honest feedback on how you’re doing. Amongst other things, we’ll uncover why they chose to work with you and what they like about being your client.  Your team will enjoy being part of the process. They’ll have a say in defining the values and working out who your ideal clients really are.  We’ll do research into your competitors to see how you stack up, then we’ll absorb all of the information we’ve uncovered and help you work out exactly what makes your organisation special. Next, we’ll help you write a brand script that will keep your communications focused and always resonating with your ideal clients.

got questions?

There’s a lot involved! Do we need to do all of it?
You’re not wrong, rebranding should never be undertaken lightly. But don’t worry, MarketStreet can be done in stages. Some clients choose to do stage 1 first and move on to stage 2 later. We also recognise that many organisations already have recent information on what we’re seeking to uncover, they just don’t have the full picture. After our initial discovery call, we’re happy to review what you have, then work out where the gaps are. There’s no use reinventing the wheel!
We’re really busy, how much of my colleague’s time will this take?
If you wear the marketing hat in your organisation then hopefully you’ll be the lead on the rebranding project. You’ll need to make time to share the info you already have and to bring together your wider stakeholders and explain what’s going to happen. Senior members of your organisation will need to be on board and set aside time to be involved in the workshop. It’s a good idea to pull together a steering committee who’ll be responsible for pushing the project forward at your end.  We’ll do everything we can to make the process as smooth and pain-free as possible. As the project lead, you’ll be the person we’ll be catching up with on a weekly basis to review progress and keep the momentum going. You’ll need 1 hour per week for this video call and a little time for liaising with your steering committee to ensure decisions are being made and feedback given in a timely manner.
What happens if I don’t like the outcome?
Rebranding is a process, you’ll have been involved at every stage so it should be impossible for you not to like the outcome. Now, if you don’t like any of our first round of visuals, we’ll try again. We want you to be proud of your organisation again, after all. And, we’ll keep trying until we find something that works for your ideal clients but also works for you.  But it’s not just the visuals, what if you don’t like the brand script either? Same thing goes. We’ll write it again, in a tone of voice that better suits your organisation. But, just like the visuals, you’ll have been involved in the workshop so the outcome will not come as a surprise to you. What’s more likely, is someone else won’t like the outcomes. Someone that doesn’t like change. Someone that’s miffed they weren’t consulted.  Yep, we’ve seen that happen before. That’s why we recommend bringing in all key decision makers into the process, especially if they say they are too busy and important to be involved. Those peeps are literally always the ones that have a problem with the outcomes. Don’t let them get away with it!

don’t take our word for it…

We’re now able to quickly convey who we are and how we help our clients. Feedback from our team, clients and collaborators has also been extremely positive and we are grateful to everyone who engaged with us along the way.
Rick McCluggage

Architect and Director, Smith Scott Mullan

You’ve managed to capture the essence of who we are in words and graphics – something we’ve been trying to do for years! Thank you so much.
Victoria Carson

Engagement & Influence Director, The Wise Group

Creating a brand identity that successfully expressed the vision and goals of the business AND took into account the thoughts of 80+ people was no small feat. Hardwork paid off and we’ve a website and brand that everyone in the business is delighted with!
Peter Jeffrey

Marketing Manager, Narro

Go on, make the first move...

Hundreds of business owners and marketers, like you, have trusted us to guide their brand to greatness. Our proven roadmap will help you unearth the compelling stories and attractive style that’ll make your brand irresistible again.
Start your rebranding journey today.



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