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Ok so it’s not new year but summer is almost over and it’s back to school and back to work.  Being a Project Manager I decided that I needed more organisation and control in my work life so I have a post summer resolution.

Working part-time I find that my inbox gets very full and unmanageable so I’m going to try to maintain a Zero inbox.  Basically this means I will have an empty inbox most of the time which is supposed to be less distracting and will enable me to focus, hmm ok.

I googled Zero Inbox and some handy tips came up –

  1. Don’t leave the email client openOk I can do that
  2. Process email periodically throughout the day, perhaps at the top of each hourok, I might try every two hours
  3. First delete or archive as many new messages as possibleyay that sounds easy
  4. Then forward what can be best answered by someone elseooh yep delegate to someone else, out of my inbox into someone else’s, hmmm not sure that’s going to make me popular
  5. Immediately respond to any new messages that can be answered in two minutes or lessyep ok I’ll try that
  6. Move new messages that require more than two minutes to answer — and messages that can be answered later – to a separate “requires response” folder – I’m not sure about this, it seems to me that this is basically creating another inbox that will fill up but I’ll give it a go
  7. Set aside time each day to respond to email in the “requires response” folder or chip away at mail in this folder throughout the dayrighty ho, I’ll try doing this twice a day

Having read these tips I’m a bit sceptical now, I also came across an article titled ‘Why Zero Inbox is a Stupid Time Management Approach’.  Anyway I’ll give it a month… I’ll update you next month so wish me luck