There’s nothing quite like tinkering around on your own ivory tower. Well, in this case, it’s quartz, seeing as Minecraft doesn’t really do ivory. That’s probably a good thing, as animal rights groups might have something to say about it. The challenge here is to use a minimum of materials to create LEGO-like structures, using 1-metre cubed blocks. Think pixel art in three dimensions.
In other news, have you seen this thing called Instagram? Sharing square-cropped photos with the rest of the world is kind of fun. I mean, who wouldn’t, want to see a close-up of that vanilla crème pastry I bought from Tesco the other day? All I can say is, 20 likes justifies its place in culinary, social media history.
Speaking of likes, this cycling to and from the studio malarkey is good fun, even alongside other, less-courteous road users. It’s kind of like an adventure every day. Who knows what will happen next or where the latest and greatest pothole will make a surprise appearance?
Liam recommends Klaus Wunderlich for your next musical interlude.
Thanks for listening. See you next time!